
51, Male

SomeWhere Town

United States

Profile Information:

Website Address
Reason Why You Joined this International Network?
To network with musicians and fans
What Do You Hope To Accomplish as a Member Here?
To help promote artists and get them heard and do a little singing myself
Alternate Website Address
Relationship Status
Your Occupation
MC/Vocalist & Promoter
Years of Experience ?
Tell Us About You and Your Career
I have an aspiration to help get as many musicians and myself heard for the musical dreams we all have. I am a writer of songs and short story's and poems. I have book in progress. This summer a book called the Ink well. Will be published this summer. it is book of a compilation of short stories of individuals who have overcome terrible ordeals and healed from it and hope that others will as well.

Comment Wall:

  • bluesbox

    Hi .... thanks for adding me !!!!