Moving from Portland to LA and back with the studio packed in their car The Ray Boyz had more than just the car and a studio, they had a dream that made every long tiring night, every long drive, and every single dollar blown would be worth the risk in the end. First, off I asked them to explain the first big risk they took together, and that was moving down to LA with nothing but a car and their belongings. However, this trip didn’t last Jeremy broke his ankle the first day there and long story short they headed back to Portland. But for a reason... and that reason was shown When they were Sitting outside of Jeremy’s mom’s house on the hot gravel walkway, when Justin said the phrase "The Ray Boyz”, accidentally both 8ate & Hated's eyes locked, and they both knew "this was the idea of a lifetime." - (Quoted by The Ray Boyz).
After years of running through all sorts of other ventures in life, spending thousands of dollars, and about getting a total of 3 hours of sleep "we had finally felt like we found the golden ticket”, the feeling every successful person gets but cannot describe, like a firework on a pitch-black night, this idea stood out and we knew it was right. Then the thought of making a duo came because they knew after getting closer than ever that they both would crush it independently but could really do something even crazier together, and then The Ray Boyz were created. After that they started living together, recording together, loving together, partying together, couch hopping together, waking together, falling asleep together, chasing dreams together, and most importantly figuring it out together. No matter the situation, no matter the time, if there was a problem; Jeremy and Justin, 8ate and Hated, The Ray Boyz would work together and think together to get through the problem and move forward. The question was never can, but instead it was how.
@TheRayBoyz @Rayboyhated @Rayboy8ate
Youtube: @TheRayBoyz
Snapchat: @TheRayBoyz
Tik Tok: @TheRayBoyz
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