Simi Valley, California — Hip-hop has been in somewhat of a freefall since the difficulty of making and releasing music has become easier. Since the announcement that the big 3 (Kendrick, J. Cole, and Drake…no particular order) were set to retire in the coming year, there has been concerns that there wasn’t anyone worthy of wearing the crown or sitting on the throne. The funny thing about looking for a savior is they are never in the direction that you’re looking. Deejai The Prince may be just who everyone is looking for.

Being born in the DMV (Dc, Maryland, and Virginia metropolitan area) where go-go was the first language, being an MC was an uphill battle. Homelessness and depression became bigger obstacles in the pursuit of the throne. However, if there’s one word to sum up Deejai it would be survivor. Deejai is finally slated to release his long awaited project ‘Prince’ at the top of 2024.

“All I’ve ever known was music. I moved around a lot but the one thing that was consistent was the music. If music didn’t exist I probably would’ve been killed myself.”

From writing his first rap at 5 to sleeping on park benches and freestyling till he fell asleep to making ballads in his 20’s and sleeping on studio couches. The journey has been rough but that’s hip-hop, and Deejai is if not anything else, hip-hop.

To find out more, Deejai can be reached on his Instagram @deejaitheprince_




Deejai has lived in DC, Maryland, Virginia, Florida, North Carolina, West Virginia, New York, Las Vegas, Bakersfield, and Los Angeles. And his music reflects all the different cultures.


Deejai The Prince
Name: Daymon Smith
Phone: 8183001523



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