"The Razor and The Mirror" On Lulu.com"The Razor and The Mirror" On Lulu.com A story of fierce cruelty and fierce redeeming love. Christian-Michelle gives us a vivid and engaging story about the life of 'Bobby', his struggling to triumph over forces of violence. Forces that continue to haught him even today. A gripping and moving book that offers up an understanding of empathy for children of abuse. Here is a real find. Exquisite writing that compells the reader to turn the page.
Suffer the little children to come unto me!
In order for the story to come across the way the author wanted it to, he had to tell it just as it happened, word for word, incident by incident. This is, without a doubt, the most intimate story I have ever read, told from the heart of a child. One that will tug at the heart strings of the reader. The story about a child abused and abandoned by most. Befriended by a few and finding little salvation even from God. “The Razor and the Mirror” will haunt you for the remainder of your life. The reader will never again look at a child and assume that all is well in that child’s life. If the fact that this is a true story isn’t compelling enough, then dwell on, if only for a moment, what you have read and try to convince yourself that horrors such as those written about in this book no longer occur in today’s society. The language is at times jolting, the message however is abundantly clear. Never, never again should anyone be able to violate the innocence of children. Once read, those who will read “The Razor and the Mirror,” will never again be able to see a brutalized child and not act, nor will they be able to hear the cries of a little one and remain silent. "Moving, revealing and powerful! Christian-Michelle is on a mission from God to eradicate the pain and suffering of abuse victims. Bobby's story, “The Razor and the Mirror,” needs to be heard in every corner of the earth. His story is a rich and complex story that leaves the reader saddened but also hopeful. It is highly recommended to those that are empowered to become effective advocates for the sufferer."
Dr. Gigi Lamont
Social Worker/Advocate
A must read book.
I was driven to tears and felt an anger that I have never felt before. The word enters your very soul and awakens the very fiber of your being.
Denise Welding
Great Work!
This man is or could be the next great James Baldwin. This book will rip your heart apart.
Diane Worthington
Tremendous Talent!
Christian-Michelle Dickerson is a wordsmith of tremendous talent. This book will make all the critics search for new superlatives. It is the poetry of his controlled prose, the trueness and richness of his characterizations that wrap you in the mighty captivating story of "Bobby".
Karen Carter
The content of Razor and the Mirror is truly a compelling story that takes you through every human emotion possible. It is the epiphany of true compassion and sensitivity for life that I was reminded to give, and for that, I will never forget the words laden between those pages.
I can't stop crying!
I just finished reading The Razor and The Mirror. I could not put it down except to cry. This man could very well be the next James Baldwin. We all need to pay attention to what this book is saying. I promise, you will never again look at the world through rose colored glasses.
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